Saturday 20 September 2008


So it's done.

I'm here at the end of Spain, at the end of Europe and at the end of my voyage.

It's been simply incredible. Of course none of it would have been possible without the help of so many people...

Thanks to all my friends who supported and encouraged me wholeheartedly from the time I first voiced what might have been just another crazy idea of mine. Special mention for Ross, who came out to walk during the first section, and also to Annie, who sorted out the UK public relations and had the story placed in many publications.

Thanks to everyone who's donated, giving their hard earned pounds or Euros to help fight this cruel disease.

Thank you to everyone I met on the route who with their kind acts or words kept my spirits up and gave me the strength to keep going. Many are on the blog, but many more aren't, due to lack of time on my part, although they more than deserve their post.

Finally, thanks to my family; father and sister Jane who were with me by messages and calls from Scotland, and sister Sarah who came out to support and walk on the last week.

And thanks to my mother, for everything.


Ayma said...
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Ayma said...

Well done. Well done indeed.

Unknown said...

On on on yesel big man. Unbelievable. Well played, and congratulations! Finlay, Daniela and Mel

Carmen Mª said...

I am so happy you did it!! I just met you for a few minutes, but it was so easy to see that you are such a extraordinary person. Congratulations!Carmen.xx

Mighty P said...

Congratulations! What an achievement! What memories you will have. All the things you have seen, but, perhaps more important, the people you have met and touched, and they you - "Man to man, the whole world o'er." You have really raised awareness of amyloidosis not to mention the thousands in cash for research! Now for the medical bill for you and Roman ruin visits. How about Antonine's Wall? I'll give you a lift. Thanks indeed to all who helped and supported (Ermie would have been pleased)but well done to you!

battrick said...

Top top effort that. Am very proud of you David. Only sorry that I have found out about it all so late on. Well done from Allan F-C