Tuesday 16 September 2008

Bad news

Bad news

Sarah reported that her right foot was getting very sore by the end of yesterday, and this morning it's swelled up and is extremely painful.

She's definitely not going to be able to walk on it today, so is off on a mission to find a bus to Chiclana de la Frontera, the planned sleeping place for tonight.

If she can get some ice and strapping tape she might be able to do some more walking later on this week, but given that it looks like a pretty bad sprain this may be excruciatingly sore and risk damaging it further. 

More news as it develops.


elvushi said...

Hi Dave.

Top blogging mate.

Really enjoyable daily read.

Pleased you are making good progress.

Sorry to hear about spaz's injury.

Re baches, I had no idea either but just googleg to find the following:

Meaning #1: a groove or furrow (especially one in soft earth caused by wheels).
Meaning #2: hollow out in the form of a furrow or groove.
Español (Spanish)
n. - surco, carril, rodada, ranura, bache.

Were the baches the cause of the sprain?

Good luck with the rest.


Unknown said...

Just wanted to say hello. Have just met your Dad at a conference in Brighton and he was singing your praises. He's great!

Thought I would say Hi and Good Luck.
