Wednesday 17 September 2008

Salt and sauce?

Salt and sauce?

Fish and chips Chiclana style.

I didn't arrive in Chiclana until 10.45 after one of the most frustrating days of the entire route.  And there I was thinking the hard stuff was over and done with.

To cut a long story short my route today was basically making a short story long. Chiclana is only about 28 km due south of Jerez, but in order to avoid motorways, railway lines, forests, rivers and more motorways, I ended up doing well over 40, with a lot of frustrating zig-zag-ing about under an Andalucìan sun, then moon.

The final insult was that I arrived at Chiclana and followed the signs for the city centre, which sent me firstly round to the right, heading south west, then doubled back to the left, heading south east. 

I had in fact initially arrived at a point very close to the centre, and I could have headed straight there going due south, but I'd followed the signs for cars, which are sent on a mild, for them, detour, but which was another 20 minutes for me.

I can confirm that at 10pm, when hungry, it is difficult to see the positive side of this sort of signage debacle.

(I did see a lot of furniture shops during the detour though, so if anyone needs some advice on what's out there in the Spanish interior design market, feel free to get in touch.) 

Dinner done, it's time to plan the route for the last few days. I think there is only about 80km left to Tarifa, to the end, which is quite simply, damn hard to believe.

1 comment:

Ayma said...

Por lo menos el pescaíto frito tiene buena pinta... ánimo que no te queda nada!