Saturday 13 September 2008

Slow start

Slow start

Last night we headed out to celebrate Sarah's arrival and see some of the bright lights of Seville.  As often happens the night in Spain went on a little longer than expected, as we flitted from bar to bar and in the last one met some girls from Madrid, and had a great laugh with them.

So today's had a rather relaxed start to it but we're finally ready to head out. The problem is finding a route out of the city as all the main roads are dual carriageway and in principle prohibited to pedestrians. The approaches to modern cities are not designed with walkers in mind.

I rather suspect it could be rather taxing picking our way past the tangle of motorways, canals and rivers that surround the centre. But if luck's on our side we'll hopefully cut through and get down to Los Palacios by this evening.

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