Friday 19 September 2008

Roman Ruins

Roman Ruins

I don't know what it is with me and Roman ruins but after the debacles at Alcaparra and Merida where I comprehensively failed to see almost anything, the same has happened in Bolonia.

The, apparently highly interesting, ruins lie to the north of the town, handy I thought as I'll have to pass them on my way in. Alas the track to the ruins from that side was firmly locked and bolted necessitating a 3 km detour round the ruins on the road.

I will of course have the option of then going into the ruins from the town side, but to be honest I can't see extra walking happening, especially given how close we are to lunch.  

I'll just have to make sure my next long walk passes lots of Roman sites to make up for this.

PS I've arrived on the town side, the photo is as much as you or I will see of these ruins today.

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